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Feature Toggle


composer require sonsofphp/feature-toggle


use SonsOfPHP\Component\FeatureToggle\Feature;
use SonsOfPHP\Component\FeatureToggle\Provider\InMemoryFeatureToggleProvider;
use SonsOfPHP\Component\FeatureToggle\Toggle\AlwaysEnabledToggle;

// Using a feature toggle provider
$provider = new InMemoryFeatureToggleProvider();
$provider->addFeature(new Feature('feature.example', new AlwaysEnabledToggle()));

$feature = $provider->getFeatureToggleByKey('feature.example');

// Checking if the feature is enabled
$isEnabled = $feature->isEnabled();

Advanced Usage

// ...
use SonsOfPHP\Component\FeatureToggle\Context;

// Different ways to build the context, the context
// is used by the Toggle
$context = new Context([
    'user' => $user,
$context->set('user', $user);
$context['user'] = $user;

$isEnabled = $feature->isEnabled($context);

Create your own Toggle

Take a look at the AlwaysEnabledToggle and AlwaysDisabledToggle. This is how more complex Toggles can be created. These two are as simple as you can get.